
A future star.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Asshole he is...benelovent i am nt...he sux...tis idiot over here...call nathan...full name is damn fuckin useless and un related to tis bloggie...i dun wanna smudge my blog with tis guy's name which is filthy...i am nt gonna show the page on my bloggie...coz i dun wan ppl to come and sue me for slander...all of tis are frm my point of view anyway...i dun wanna say his full name coz he's a juvenile..? hahas...lets start..he is a indian...retarded asshole...i've blocked him in my msn contact list...coz i dun really feel that i wan a fren like that...he makes my blood boils...he juz dun deserve my respect and i think he is overboard wif his dumb shitty behaviour...i think i will juz put 1 entry dedicated to him wif all the bad words...damn him...ok..let me tell u all explicitly what he did...
Firstly..when i am on good terms with him...he talk to me...but...BUT he's mental...he slap ppl on the face like he's addicted to it...isnt it prevertic..? This Brings me to another qns...IS HE A SELFISH AND SELF CENTRED PERSON..?? Firstly..Let Me VOICE IT ACROSS...U SUCK..!!! Yes...U SUck... u dune BElOng In My LEgioN Of Frens...coz u jUz dun relish tis opportunity and U took it for granted...Since u wanna slap ppl...u go there...think in ur damn FreakIn HouSe Or Heart...TAkE Ur Time...SlowLy...ThinK...U re intellIgent...Why Do U wanna MaKE PEopLe Hate U...U RE DUMB DOwnRIght IdiotiC...!!! Where WIll People In the Right mInd go Harm other ppl who are on good terms wif u...?? U Dun


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