
A future star.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A bloody belated post. Hahahah I saw this picture like few weeks ago at block 51 and now I am blogging about it. Its about my friend, lydia! hahahah.

So, whats the first question that you all wanna ask?

a) What's she pointing at?
b) Why she wear such a big shirt?
c) Why is she so dark?

*scroll down for answers*

So, the answer is...

a) She's acting cute. DUH. xD

b) She too small size already, no shirt size fits her. =X

c) Cause she is a malay! Hahahah. No luhs. Its the lousy camera that make her look dark! hahahah

Ok thats all for today's post. Stay tuned within the coming days. Or weeks. Or even month. Cheeeeeeeeeers!


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