Man U vs Bayern. The Results.

Man U vs Bayern Predictions
Prediction 1: A player with 6 alphabets in his name will score.Result: G-I-B-S-O-N , R-O-B-B-E-N. Both of them have 6 alphabets in their name.
Prediction 2: A player will score in a time with "4" in it.
Result: 41min, 43min, 74min.
Prediction 3: There will be no PK.
Result: No 2-1 so no PK
Prediction 4: There will be 4 yellow cards in total, including 1 for Van Bommel.
Result: 2 Yellow for Rafael , 1 Yellow for V.Bommel, 1 Yellow for Badstuber. Total = 4 Yellow cards.
Overall: 4 / 4. Perfect Predictions.
Labels: Prediction, soccer
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