
A future star.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Okies..i am back on popular demand. i got its problem. i dun like to do something that ppl dun see..like blogging. so.thats me. a pragmatic person. wif a wacky personality.

Recently. i got into tis confrontation wif mrs wong. she got fed up after i did algebra wrongly. i felt like shes blamin me for tis waste of time. But put it tis way. do i wanna do that? Do u pppl think that i wanna delay ur maths lessons? is that beneficial? Bleahs.

So the point is i sucked. However. aft a nice long gd chat wif her. we got to know each other better and that helped alot. Think of it.she is a professional teacher. of cos she got her own tricks up her sleeves right..?

Firstly. i would like to apologise to my frens who look forward to my blog. which i didnt update for a period of time. it was tis period of inactivity which leads me to doin other things i like like soccer basketball slping and juz daydreamin...

Secondly. i would like to apologised for the horrendous punctuation marks here. i didnt wanna put much thoughts into typin commas. commas might juz spoilt the style that i am displayin over here. i prefer it to be short and simplistic without the slightest hint of mistakes. add to that, i didnt wan you ppl readin it lowerin down ur tone to get oral marks via commas. thats nt the point.

Lastly. for today. i wanna say thank you to all my frens who motivated me into gettin tis 'lost' passion. my passion and motivation for bloggin had ebbed.but thats nt the point too. the point is that i am back here on www.blogspot.com updating my blogs without the slightest of hesitation.

Now... for my new revolutionary blog skins....

Stay tuned.


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