Special post for today.
Today iie will try to blog lyyk a giirl. it may seeeem verii easyy but iie swear its dammmn diifiicult. And thiis style had not been incorporated wiith biig and small alphabets.
sOo nOw iiE wilI tRy tO iincOpoRate bOth stYles toGetHer. serrriiouSly iie got nO iidEasS hoW sUmm giiRls annd tHeiiR dArlliiNgZ cAn dO suCh a trOuBleSomme jOb in tYpiinG thiis. iiE tOoK appRoXiiimaTelY 1O miiins trYiiing 2 do thiis. iie am suRe thAt nOt all oF euUu cann bE aBlE tuhhh do thiiis. Ohhh My GOD. iiE aM gOiingg mAdd tRYiing tUhhh dOo thiiis.
iiie sAw thiis lOonG loOonG aGo. iie sAvE iit cOs iie thOugHt iit wAs fuNnii. sOrrY iif thhats eUuu fReNx. xD
Ahahahhahas. iie laUgHhed sHhHoo hArD jUsT byy loOokiinG at thiis piictuure. =X
Imagine how much easier it is just to type normally and without much fuss. I got no idea why some girls are used to the text above. I guess maybe they just wanted their own styles and thus they developed this writing style.
As a reader, I feel very irritated seeing that and if I ever become a English teacher, I will fail the student without a doubt. How about readers? What say you?
sOo nOw iiE wilI tRy tO iincOpoRate bOth stYles toGetHer. serrriiouSly iie got nO iidEasS hoW sUmm giiRls annd tHeiiR dArlliiNgZ cAn dO suCh a trOuBleSomme jOb in tYpiinG thiis. iiE tOoK appRoXiiimaTelY 1O miiins trYiiing 2 do thiis. iie am suRe thAt nOt all oF euUu cann bE aBlE tuhhh do thiiis. Ohhh My GOD. iiE aM gOiingg mAdd tRYiing tUhhh dOo thiiis.
iiie sAw thiis lOonG loOonG aGo. iie sAvE iit cOs iie thOugHt iit wAs fuNnii. sOrrY iif thhats eUuu fReNx. xD

Imagine how much easier it is just to type normally and without much fuss. I got no idea why some girls are used to the text above. I guess maybe they just wanted their own styles and thus they developed this writing style.
As a reader, I feel very irritated seeing that and if I ever become a English teacher, I will fail the student without a doubt. How about readers? What say you?
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