
A future star.

Friday, July 21, 2006

2nd day.

Look. i am proud that i am mentioned in teresa's blog. its a wonderful when frens rmb me for a certain reason be it bad / good. but look. the wrong thing is somethin that leaves a bitter memory in my mind. wont i wanna be rmbed for being late? look. thats a bad reputation okkks?

2ndly. my prophecy had came true. i said that when i sat beside peter for maths. i wont be punished unnecessary by mrs wong. look. now i am nt havin troubles.hahas. so the thing is that i am so ignorant of the fact that shes actually helpin me...i am so naive to think that she wan to humiliate me in the public.

Hmms. i think bloggin actually helps u to improves the vocabulary thats u used. it kinda helped in ur grammer. and i thats why i tried to turn back the time and tried bloggin. but to ppl, they felt it was pointless. To those who blog. Cheers!

Actually i got some deeep dirty secrets. but i found it no point to post them here. look. i dun wanna let too many ppl noe that i indulge in certain bad habits . lol? Imagination is the most powerful tool in the world. juz dun think too much.


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