
A future star.

Monday, August 21, 2006


I am juz intelligent... i posted 2 comments in 1 day...clever hor..hahas..

So lets talk abt english o lvls oral... Its was relatively easy.. But i dun understand.. i tink mr tham seems to leave me to fend for myself... he talked to spencer whos beside me...but he didnt even look at me. He totally ignored me...wtf..?? lols

So i see the spastic side of human again.. Mr Tan went up to Jasmine and say some ting 'pleasin' to her..i was like...huh? is tis a sacrifice? i dun get it..

So i went in and did my usual staffs...its relatively easy but i faltered at the Readin Aloud section... i pronouced certain words wrongly but i tink my converstation and picture discussion more then makes up for it...so i tink its alright hahaas... kkks.. tts all for today..stay Tuned


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