Today on 08/07/08, My class from Psychology of Creativity went to the museum to get some new ideas and do a assignment. Reached there at 945 sharp.
And we saw the teacher.
I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone. (excerpts from Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day)
And my best imitation of Cheryl Fox.

That's me. I know I don't look neat. Don't tell me that. =/

This is what happens when you die. ( For Chinese anyways)

This is what happens after you die.

This is H-E-L-L.. Just kidding. By the way, the glowing machine is the newest high tech tour guide that is offered in the museum. Cool.
Here is the bicycle that the Japanese used to conquer Singapore.

A little bit of history. The Japanese used bicycles to conquer Malaya. It is efficient as they are light and fast. Tanks > Bicycles > Walking. It is because tanks are inconvenient and walking is tiring thats why the Japanese used bicycles.
(Note: The last sentence is from my point of view. It may not be the real reason for the usage of bicycles.)
The evolution of Marlboro cigarettes.
Before. ( Smoking pipes.)


A big difference I think. =0
The currency of Singapore through the ages. The orchid notes, the bird notes and more.

Ancient necklace of Sang Nila Utama. Amazing huh?

Straw mats of early immigrants / Singaporeans.

Early map of Singapore.

The abacus.

Thanks to Casio and Sharp, we need not used this instrument anymore.
The high tech 360 degrees movie show?

The Singapore Stone.

Inscriptions on the Singapore Stone.

Till now no one had been able to decipher the meaning behind the words. Can you?
Some broken artifacts that were salvage from excavations in Singapore.

Now, the statue of David.
This is the original one.

This is the museum one.

And this is my one.

Damn hard to draw ok?
So anyways, I will teach hokkien today. The definition of ' Por Lan Pa.' ( boot licking in English)
This is called 'Por Lan Pa'. It involves your hand and the person's testicles.

And while I was doing that, a security guard came. He gripped my hand. Oh my god.
I was stunned. ' Oh my god. I was like WTF. I am going to to expelled from the museum.'

No la. Actually is my group mate. He don't like me to PLP. Its not very right, he said.
I agreed. So guys, please do not 'Por Lan Pa'. Unless you are gay that is. This is only for girls. I think.
This is random.



And this is the express counter at Plaza Singapura's Carrefour.

I just wan to buy my winter melon drink only.
Also have to wait so long.
The face of a very disgusted shopper.

Wa. Damn hard to make disgusted can? Aiya this will do la. OK la. Maybe I was acting cute la. I admit OK?
And I saw them together!

Wahahahah. Couple sia. 被我抓到了。Steven don't angry. HAHAHHAAHHA.
Just kidding.
*Disclamier: All the information here is 'quite' accurate at time of publish. As this blog is supposed to be enjoyable, funny elements are added. And note that I do not promote porn and vulgarities. I am not a matchmaker. The last picture is for the 'fun' element. No harm intended. And please do take it with a pinch of salt. ( Did i use the term correctly?) Enjoys.