
A future star.

Friday, February 26, 2010


There's something bothering me. Perhaps the lack of support from the tag box for motivation?

PS: perhaps I need some sort of help. I suspect that I have porn addiction. :(

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Since my birthday is coming...

I will make a BHB wish-list for you guys to save you guys time and efforts to find a suitable gift and also to fulfil my dreams. HAHAHAHAH. :X

Ranked accordingly to my priority.

1. A bag. For keeping my stuffs when I go out to gym, outside, sentosa etc.
2. A watch. For fashion's sake.
3. A pair of shoes/sandals/slippers. size 7. (optional)
4. A pair of jeans. size 31. (optional)
5. Random (up to you guys if you guys feel surprises is important.)


Ranked according to durability/sentimental value

1. Watch
2. Bag
3. Jeans
4. Shoes
5. Random


Ranked according to needs

1. Bag
2. Shoes
3. Jeans
4. Watch
5. Random


Ok 4 choices to look out for. Will review it if I want to add things in. Latest by 9th march will confirm ba. :D

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Learning something new

Look mum! I learned a lot of new languages!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Vivocity shopping at 12th Feb. Saw my ex distributing flyers. Didn't have the courage to say hi. Once its over, its over. As simple as that. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Top 10 hilarious moments I witness

Just had an idea what to write about.

You think you know me well but you actually don't know me THAT well.

So I will be writing a series of Top 10.

Top 10 hilarious moments I witness

1. Jocelyn bf jumping around for joy as if he won TOTO first prize, when he smashed her birthday cake into her face. (2010)

2. Yu Min conversation with Malcom ('s mum?)


"Hello. Who are you?"

"Wo shi lan jiao bin."


3. Watching Jing Kang play in Toh Guan street soccer court. No corner rule for street soccer courts. So he went to cleared the ball out of the playing area and cockily said.

“还不是我们的球! (hai bu shi wo men de qiu!)”

And immediately after saying that, he fell down. (2006)

4. Mr Yu Min and soccer again. This time we were playing in the school field. My team had conceded a penalty kick. And fortunately, our goalie (can't remember who.) saved the ball. And my dear friend here said.

"Wa, swee ar swee ar!" and then kicked the ball with all his might.

Then, we heard the sound of glass shattering. He had hit the ball onto the glass panels of the science lab. Unforgettable. (2006)

5. Night cycling trip. Went cycling from Jurong East to West coast park. And during our break time we were chatting and then one of my friend (4,5 friends went) took out a spanner and try to tighten his bicycle nut.

Then we heard police sirens and were anticipating a check on us, since it was 2,3am at that time.

"Oi, hurry keep your spanner and screwdrivers. Wait they thought we in gang and confiscate."

And immediately, Malcom throw the spanner into the bush beside him.

And the WTF face on Jiahao's face is Classic! (2008)

6. Yu Xue. It was during the O levels and we were in school for late night studying. And Zi hao was showing his 'magic tricks'.

"Choose a card. And I will find it."


And one of them took 1 card. And Zi Hao took the card back and rubbed the cards vigorously and shuffled them.

"Ok this is your chosen card!" (which was correct.)

"Wa, how you do that sia!"

"Magic lai de cannot say."

"Oh I know, you use heat right?!" Yu Xue said. (2006)

7. Burger King Vs JX. And Fa Xian Chaletmania Ai. Unforgettable comedy.

8.Watching Ah Bui and Steven Chan run around in automation centre like small kids. (2009)

9. Cant remember who's birthday. But there's 2 guy (Jia Hao and Malcom?) holding on to the birthday boy for our cake smash custom. And they got smashed too. :( (2008)

10. Biggin Hill chalet. Yu Min doing worm.

“帮我了。我起不来。” "Bang wo leh. Wo qi bu lai."

Enough said.

( Feel free to correct me if my details are wrong. My sequence of events may not be the most accurate but I guess it roughly captures the essence of the funny scenes.)


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today is the 16th of feb.

Basically, did nothing at home. Maybe it will be the same of something amusing.

How to kick a certain bad habit in 30days.

Saturday, February 13, 2010



老 实说,你从来都不是我的理想对象,并且你的行为又低调又神秘,使到我有时都对你的行为感到厌倦。不过,当我渐渐的更深一层的认识、了解你之后,我发现自己 已不由自主的坠入爱河了。虽然你并没有天使般的脸孔和魔鬼般的身材,可是你却有一种特别的魅力深深地吸引住了我。为什么你会有这个那么厉害的power 呢? 而为何我会被你所产生的隐形力量给吸引住了呢?这我自己也说不过来。 我现在的情况就好象被一股无法形容的力量给拉住似的,慢慢的,一步一步的,把 我拉进那深无止境的黑色旋涡。 








Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hi, today i went to the Old Ford Factory (OFF) at 3pm. Quite a fascinating place but it was relatively small in size and stature.

Ok some facts for you guys.

Singapore was named Syonan-To during the Japanese Occupation.
Malaya was named Malai?! (Think so. forget liao)

Ok here are the good and bad news during the visit for you guys. Ok i know you guys always want the bad news first.

The bad news:

Situation 1: I forgot to charge my phone.
Result: No photos to let you guys take a look.

Situation 2: Wanted to get some free souveniors
Result: I really wanted to bring back some souveniors and brochures to allow you guys to take a look but unfortunately, the man-in-charge was unable to provide me with one.

Situation 3: Wanted to buy some souveniors.
Result: Bring 10$ out. Buy macdonalds for breakfast for 6$. Entrance 2.50$. Left $1.50. Buy what shit?!

Good news:

Situation 4: The entry is cheap.
Result: $2.50 only for students!

Situation 5: The place is breezy and have a nice environment outside.
Result: You don't even need to pay to visit the garden outside~!

Situation 6: There is also a AV theatre
Result: Wow! Even got free movie leh!

Personal Problems I met on the journey:

Problem 1: Don't know where to alight.
Solution 1: Alighted 3 bus stops away. And walked back. =.=

Problem 2: Got road works telling people that the walkway is closed.
Solution 2: KNN took a detour up a hill and down again. =.=!

Problem 3: Sian, go alone. Don't know the ULU place got a single soul or not.
Solution 3: WAKAO. Dunno which secondary school pupils there sia. AT LEAST 80 PPL. =.=!!

Problem 4: Aiya, off-peak hours sure can see the exhibits slowly and peacefully.
Solution 4: No solution/Didn't feedback to the teachers/staff. KNN the students think its a zoo sia! KPKB around. =.=!!!

Ok that sums up my experience today.

Personal 7.5/10. Didn't like the noise level, didn't like the crowd. No tourguide. Only 2 staffs offered to talk to me. But content-wise quite good, considering that their exhibits are quite well done.

Overall: 6/10. Do not visit if you have 0% interest in Singapore's history.

Sorry no pictures to entertain you guys. =( NABEH SI NOKIA DIED SO FAST!!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010



一年又一年过了, 新的一年也即将要来临了。我也要写出我第一个华文作品了。


在这2010年,我已跟许多朋友做了好多无谓的争论。这都是应为我们的意见不一致所导致的。但是,那问题的根源其实是在我们的沟通上出现了毛病。那天,我也无意间的发现了做人的道理。那就是吵架时必须要给对方一个退让的余地。 但是如果他得寸进尺的话,有时跟他讲道理的话有可能会帮助你解决问题。如果他还是无理取闹,不听劝告呢?那就是你该退让的时候了。有时后没办法,一定要吞下这口气,因为如果你不忍下去的话,这情况一定会把这问题陷入僵局,个无所得。以其把局势闹得沸沸洋洋,还不如自己忍气吞声,当着这一次是个学习的生活过程。

知道来龙去脉的人读到了这里,可能你觉得作者我, 有点不讲理,很记仇。如果你觉得我的作品冒犯了你,我在这诚恳地向你道歉。我只是想把我的心里面的沉重负担所写下来,而且我也不是个那么小气的人吧。

现在写些好的。我很欣慰我的大多数的功课和问题已都迎刃而解了。但是,我觉得我最近个人好像被丘比特给盯上了。无意间发现我好想念你,难道这就是爱吗? 真是的,我可能都还没准备好进入一段暧昧关系呢!

